How to create an effective team

The selection of suitable staff. Team performance is heavily dependent on the personal qualities of its members and the relationship between them. Each team member must be willing to devote their skills and knowledge to solve the problem command.

Therefore, you first need to carefully analyze the requirements for future work. Based on this determined level of competence, which includes knowledge, understanding, skills and personal qualities required of members of the team. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to work together.

Regulation of the number of teams. What is the optimal number of teams? This simple question points to one of the priority issues that arise when creating a team. The most reasonable would be to have a team as small as possible in size, but large enough so that the competence of its members meet the requirements of the task. Of course, you can not always act freely, and not always you will be able to start forming a team from scratch.

The easiest way to work in a team consisting of two people, in view of the ease of communication. In larger teams people tend to disordered communication, which leads to disorganization and the emergence of the feeling that a lot of time is wasted.

With the increase in the number of interactions between its team members number grows even faster, which is confirmed by a simple mathematical equation: the number of possible personal interactions between members of the same n n * (n- 1) / 2. For example, a team of nine members the number of possible interactions, accounting for each is 36, and a team of four members - only 6.

If we keep in mind that every interaction contains a potential conflict between its members, with the increase of the team is evident a large propensity to organizational difficulties.

This is particularly noticeable in the team consisting of 12 people or more, in which progressively increasing time losses and drops the efficiency of the skills of participants. If your team more than 12 people, and it can not be changed, it is advisable to regroup her, breaking into groups and assign each of them to carry out part of the general problem facing the team.

A clear statement of goals and objectives. For efficient operation of the team all members must be aware of the links between objectives, methods of work and tasks. Objectives should be clear, focused and should create an idea of ​​the methods of work and tasks that will lead to success.

Formation by the participants should be goals, no matter at what level it occurs - personal, team or organizational level. These goals should be well thought out and a real basis for the goals and methods, and not be a simple list of instructions, logically following from the profile of the organization.

For precise formulation and solution of problems of the team must take into account the variety of expectations (often contradictory) provided the team goals. You should also think about the problems related to the objectives. For example, that, on the one hand, the range of issues must be clear, and on the other - that in order to adapt to changing circumstances, the need for flexibility and variability.

It is unlikely that the target will always be clearly defined. Social, economic and political factors can cause sudden changes or constantly and mercilessly forced the organization to change. Team goals must be the foundation of its activities, but significant external changes may lead to revision.

Keep in mind that each team member has their own individual goals and hidden intentions. Therefore members of the team, to subordinate the goals the team can agree with them only to a greater or lesser extent. They may secretly disagree with the goals of the team, but to obey them for some personal reasons - for example, wanting to make money or build a career.

Therefore crucial in the formulation of the main objectives and team management area is to prevent the possibility of conflict or collision between the command and personal goals. For efficient operation of the team is important that the goals are achievable, as measurable and accepted or even understood by the team members and managers a high level, both inside and outside the organization.
team effectiveness

It is not possible to formulate a complete and definitive set of rules to follow which will necessarily lead to the creation of an effective team. The reasons for the team's success is more difficult. However, we can identify the main elements of effective team work:

 the satisfaction of personal interests of the team members;
 successful interaction of a team;
 decision tasks assigned to the team.

To sum up, it can be noted that a well-organized teamwork can be achieved under the following conditions:

 For the team and individual participants set realistic, achievable goals.
 Team members and leaders tend to support each other in order to make the work of a successful team.
 team members understand each other's priorities and help or support when difficulties arise.
 Open communication: welcome new ideas, new ways of improving the work, setting new challenges and so on..
 Giving the more significant as the team members understand what is expected of them, and can independently control their activities.
Conflict is understood as a normal event and is seen as an opportunity to solve the problem. Problems if they are brought to the open discussion, can be resolved before they become destructive.
 It maintains a balance between team performance and satisfaction of the needs of individual members.
 The team as a whole and individual members are encouraged to results and efforts.
 Welcome when participants try their capabilities and offer new ideas.
 The team members are aware of the importance of disciplined work and try to behave in accordance with the standards of the team.


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