The best oncology clinics

Medical Center Surasky (Ikhilov)

Tel Aviv Medical Center Surasky (Ichilov) is a state hospital, which is considered the second largest in Israel. It is one of the largest and most advanced medical institutions providing a full range of medical services and conducting health research in Israel. Foreign citizens undergoing treatment at the Tel Aviv Medical Center, throughout the entire period of their treatment in the hospital, are accompanied by representatives of the hospital’s medical tourism department who speak the appropriate languages. The medical tourism department of the Surasky Medical Center also solves issues and tasks related to treatment, such as obtaining a visa to Israel, finding a house, transportation, etc. If you really wanna work in this vedical center you need to have perfect cv with achievements, use resume writing service - to improve your resume.

Assuta Hospital

Assuta is Israel's largest leading private medical center. Assuta Medical Center conducts the most advanced operations, as well as diagnostics in areas such as cardiology, oncology, gynecology, urology, etc. Since Assuta is a private hospital, it does not have a permanent staff of doctors - all doctors work on a contract basis. This method allows the hospital to attract the best specialists of the country for work and thereby give patients the opportunity to receive diagnostics and treatment, choosing a specialist on their own.

Hadassah Hospital

Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem - one of the leading clinics in Israel, is one of the most respected and recognized in the world clinical and scientific medical centers. The Hadassah Clinic is private and consists of two campuses: Hadassah Har Ha Zofim, the second on the outskirts of Jerusalem - Hadassah Ein Kerem.

Rabin Medical Center

The Rabin Medical Center, consisting of Beilinson and Hasharon hospitals, is one of the largest medical institutions in Israel. Since its foundation, the Rabin Center has been setting new standards for the treatment and use of the latest medical techniques and technologies in Israel.


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